Grave of a Suicide Victim by Wilhelm Kotarbiński

Year: 1900Artist: Categories: ,

Grave of a Suicide Victim – In the hushed veil of night, a solitary white flower pierces the gloom, blooming defiant through the weathered stone of a forgotten tomb.

A faint, ethereal light bathes the scene, casting an eerie glow upon the desolate landscape. Beneath a brooding sky, the air hangs heavy with sadness, a tangible presence that permeates the barren earth and withered flora.

This lone bloom, its petals stained with a crimson hue, whispers a poignant tale of sorrow, a silent testimony to a life cut short. In this tapestry of darkness and despair, a fragile beauty emerges, a testament to the enduring spirit that even death cannot extinguish.


Read more about Grave of a Suicide Victim here.
Read more about Wilhelm Kotarbiński here.