Romeo and Juliet by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee

Year: 1844Artist: Categories: ,

In this poignant depiction of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both the man and the woman have their eyes closed, signifying that they are entirely absorbed in the moment of their passionate embrace. Juliet’s arm around Romeo’s neck pulls him closer, while his hand on her arm seems to resist this closeness. This reflects the underlying frustration and tragedy that permeates the entire play of the same name.

The painting brilliantly captures the essence of the play, where love and passion are entwined with the inevitability of tragedy. Romeo and Juliet’s intense passion is so overwhelming that Romeo cannot even make it past the threshold of the room before they embrace.

This symbolizes their willingness to risk everything for love, even if it leads to dire consequences. It’s a powerful representation of the timeless theme of love’s ability to conquer all, even in the face of overwhelming odds.


Read more about “Romeo and Juliet” here.

Read more about Frank Dicksee here.