Sebastiano Ricci

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Sebastiano Ricci, the renowned artist born in Belluno in 1659, embarked on a remarkable journey that led him to become a celebrated figure in the art world. At the tender age of fourteen, he left his birthplace and found himself under the tutelage of Federico Cervelli, a skilled Milanese painter in Venice. His mentorship provided a solid foundation and exposure to prominent Venetian artists.

Inspired by romantic misadventures, Sebastiano’s journey took him to Bologna in 1681, initiating a fifteen-year period of intense study across Emilia, Lombardy, and Rome. He avidly explored the works of masterful predecessors, refining his skills and seeking commissions along the way. From Carlo Cignani in Bologna to the captivating color of Correggio and Parmigianino in Parma, he honed his artistic craft.

Supported by patron Ranuccio II Farnese, Sebastiano thrived in Rome, studying the works of esteemed decorators like Carracci and Pietro da Cortona. His journey also brought him into contact with Alessandro Magnasco, with their influence on each other remaining a subject of discussion.

Returning to Venice in 1696, he delved into numerous commissions and embraced the influence of Veronese. His art demonstrated vibrant colors, expressive light play, captivating compositions, and lavish costumes.

Post-1700, his fame soared, with prestigious commissions in Vienna and Florence. A journey to England in 1713 marked a significant moment, where he executed major projects with his nephew Marco. Sebastiano Ricci gained recognition, entering the Académie Royale de Peinture in Paris upon his return to Venice in 1716.

His partnership with Marco flourished, and patrons across Europe sought his works until his passing in 1734. Sebastiano’s artistic legacy endures, celebrated for brilliance, creativity, and profound contributions to the vibrant art world of his time.